A Composite of the Gospel of Mark
Written by Mark, c. AD 54-68 (during Nero’s Reign)\
Mark recorded selected events from the life and ministry of Jesus to present the gospel to those in Rome by proving that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of Man, and Son of God Who came to serve mankind even unto death.
Chapters 1:1—8:26 Jesus Serves the Multitudes
The Son of God is introduced through the ministry of John the Baptist identifying Him, and after baptizing Him the voice of God confirming Him as the “Son”. After Satan’s attempt, Jesus ministers in Galilee and beyond (Tyre, Decapolis), demonstrating His power and authority over all creation (even the demons address him as the “holy one of God”) thereby authenticating His message.
Chapters 8:27—10:52 Jesus Serves the Disciples
After Peter’s dramatic identification of Jesus as the Christ (8:27-33), Jesus instructs them in discipleship. A true disciple is a true servant, not only of God, but of others (10:45).
Chapters 11:1—16:20 Jesus Serves the World
Riding into Jerusalem as the King did nothing to convince the leaders of Israel that Jesus was the Son of God. In His teaching in Jerusalem Jesus demonstrates His infinite wisdom, and that even David looked forward to this day. But the leaders reject Him, and after the Passover meal He is arrested, tried, and crucified. It is His death where He exemplifies His service, and that He is the Son of God, recognized even by the soldier standing by. Thus, no tomb could hold Him.
Quine's view of the Key Verse: Mark 10:45
“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.”